sidi bouzid造句
- He was taken by ambulance to a medical facility in Sidi Bouzid.
- The next day he also announced the dismissal of the governors of Sidi Bouzid, Zaghouan.
- On 17 December, a cart statue was unveiled in Sidi Bouzid in honor of Bouazizi.
- Violence later increased as Tunisian authorities and residents of Sidi Bouzid Governorate encountered each other once again.
- In early January 2011, more clashes with the police in Sidi Bouzid led to at least 20 deaths.
- "' Issam Barhoumi "'(; born octobre 1, 1978 in Sidi Bouzid ) is a Tunisian heavyweight Sanshou kickboxer.
- We will make those who caused your death weep . " He was buried at Garaat Bennour cemetery, from Sidi Bouzid.
- In Sidi Bouzid, those with no connections and no money for bribes are humiliated and insulted and not allowed to live ."
- The city, and particularly its neighbouring town of Sidi Bouzid, becomes extremely busy in the summer season with an influx of mainly Moroccan holiday-makers.
- On account of this, it has been called the Sidi Bouzid of Egypt, recalling that small town's role in the 2010 2011 Tunisian revolution.
- It's difficult to see sidi bouzid in a sentence. 用sidi bouzid造句挺难的
- Starting from the Tunisian city of Sidi Bouzid and spreading throughout the country, the Tunisian Revolution began in mid-December 2010 and was soon faced with government repression.
- He supported his mother, uncle, and younger siblings, including paying for one of his sisters to attend university, by earning approximately per month selling produce on the street in Sidi Bouzid.
- The name of the club comes from the names of "'Club Olympique de Sidi Bouzid "'and "'l'蓆oile Sportive de Gammouda "', two clubs that merged in 2003 to create the current EOSB.
- Ennahda's Rachid Ghannouchi said after the victory announcement : " We salute Sidi Bouzid and its sons who launched the spark and we hope that God will have made Mohamed Bouazizi a martyr.
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